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H.L. Katz, Author CAPITOL CRIMES |
H. L. Katz brings us CAPITOL CRIMES, highlighted by a reviewer as “a
suspenseful DC thriller.” Katz describes himself as someone who closely follows
current events and has created a novel that he fears could happen. Although he
has written his novel mostly to entertain, he encourages readers to pay
attention to what’s happening in the world so that we can “take back what is
rightfully ours-our own government.”
Katz, a husband, father and grandfather, currently lives in the eastern U.S.
He is writing a sequel to CAPITOL CRIMES and another novel in a different
genre. He works in the private sector and also coaches athletics.
Q: One of your reviewers fears that CAPITOL CRIMES hits “a little
too close to home.” How did you conceive of the plot?
H.L. Katz: I am an avid follower of current
events and situations in every day life that seem a bit out of place.
Additionally, I try to understand politics from different prisms not the least
of which are geo-political circumstances that surround even the most simplest
of decisions. As someone who attempts to understand the motivations behind each
of those events, I like to play the writer's "what if" game as in
"what if this happened" instead of what may have actually taken
place. I know I am far from unique in that regard, but I do believe the plot
and its intrigue are fresh and captivating with a heavy dose of reality that
indeed hits a little too close to home.
Q: How relevant is it to us today?
H.L. Katz: I am of the opinion that not only
is the plot extremely relevant to us today, but someplace in the deep recesses
of my mind, I fear this book may indeed be a case of life imitating art. I have
always believed citizens should have a say in how they are governed. Sadly, the
American electorate seems to know more about Jay Z and Beyonce, than they do
about Iran and a potential nuclear weapon. The only way the governed can be
silently imprisoned by those that govern them is because they were busy not
paying attention. As our freedoms continue to slowly erode and those in power
work daily to make sure they stay in power, the governed are left wondering how
that happened and what recourses they have, if any, to change it. CAPITOL CRIMES is eerily relevant and I wonder if that is actually a good thing for our
country and the world.
Q: Your reviewers also appreciate your ability to build suspense.
How do you create a “page turner?”
H.L. Katz: I actually consider myself an
untrained "ham-and-egger" so I am probably the wrong person to ask
this question to, but I remember a long time ago a former boss of mine used to
say "Never give them too much, but always leave them wanting more."
While that applied to my work at the time, I think that sort of advice goes a
long way in generating a page turner. I try to stay away from being too spot on
in dialogue and look to create a story that not only helps the reader turn the
page, but builds a world in which events are far from neat and tidy. On the
contrary. Like any great story, the challenges your protagonists face on each
page should not only be relatable to your reader, but should take them to a
place they have never been and never want to leave.
Q: You chose to feature a woman as your protagonist. Why did
you choose a woman?
H.L. Katz: I was intrigued by the challenges
that she presented to me as a writer. While I don't think it's easy to write a
male character, giving voice to a woman and making her believable throughout
close to 400 pages seemed like something I could not pass up. I like to think I
was able to meet that challenge head on, however I will leave it to the reader
to decide. Additionally, I think in the political thriller genre, female
protagonists are few and far between and most definitely underrepresented. I
thought Callie Wheeler would be a refreshing change to the landscape. Again, I
believe the readers will let me know if indeed that is the case.
Q: What characteristics did you assign her to engage readers?
H.L. Katz: I think Callie is a complex
mixture of a multitude of characteristics. She has adaptability and confidence.
Toughness and loyalty. She's diligent and kind, while also being resourceful,
vindictive and manipulating. Readers will be drawn to her toughness and
willingness to be brutally honest while at the same time irritated by where it
seemingly leads her. Without giving too much of the book away, Callie sets off
on a journey that spins her life out of control and calls on all of these
characteristics and them some. It is ultimately her wrestling with these and
many other characteristics that hopefully engage the reader, move the story
forward and make her a complex multi-dimensional character readers care about.
Q: How relevant is the concept of “villains vs heroes” in CAPITOL CRIMES?
H.L. Katz: I think the concept of villains vs
heroes is at play from the first page until the last. Interestingly enough, the
concept of hero might be different for each reader. Nevertheless, the hero in
this novel may be someone you least expect. There are plenty of villains in
Capitol Crimes but only a few drive the plot forward on a consistent
Q: What makes an effective villain?
H.L. Katz: I think an effective villain
stretches the readers’ limits and imagination. I believe an effective villain
crosses lines that most people would never cross themselves if faced with the
exact same choice and on top of that the effective villain makes their choices
with no remorse. On the contrary, the effective villain actually enjoys the
havoc he/she creates and builds upon that with each subsequent action. Ideally,
the boundaries of the villain then expand almost uncontrollably. The truly
effective villain however, never lets you see them coming. There are those you
see and those you don't. They both drive the story and while they both conjure
up emotions, the one you don't see can be far more dangerous than the one you
do. I guess I will leave you with this: is the villain you see more effective
than the villain you don't?
Q: Are your characters a bit of both? Is your protagonist
your hero?
H.L. Katz: Yes, I think some important and
complicated characters in CAPITOL CRIMES blur the line between villain and hero
leaving the reader engrossed in the moral quandary that makes them question
exactly who is what not only during the story, but even after they have
finished. Most people, I believe, have tendencies to be both a hero and a
villain in their daily lives. But for their own moral compass, they make
decisions that lead them to be either. I think the best characters in novels
have those same tendencies and characteristics. With that as my guide, the
characters in CAPITOL CRIMES are complicated people who wrestle with their own
sometimes blurred lines of right and wrong and what they are willing to do or
not do to insure their own survival. I like to think it is that very thin line
that keeps the reader turning the page again and again.
As for the protagonist, well, therein lies the
Q: How important is credibility to telling your story? What
kind of research did you do to assure believability?
H.L. Katz: I think readers give the writer a
certain level of suspension of belief in regards to fiction, but in a political
thriller or a love story for instance, as opposed to the paranormal, the reader
expects the story to be anchored to reality and in that sense I think
credibility is important. In order to deliver that, I spent hours upon hours of
interviews and research on the lobbying trade, along with the inner workings of
Congressional and Presidential daily lives. With the help of a few industry
insiders, I was able to lend that aura of credibility to the story. Like any
author, there are a few times I may rely on the readers’ suspension for
fiction, but for the most part, if the story is far from reality in this genre,
it tends to fall flat. For a writer's audience to buy into the story, it has to
be believable in the readers imagination not just the writers.
Q: Does accuracy add to suspense? Do back-story details help?
H.L. Katz: I think historical accuracy, which
I rely on quite a few times in the book, not only adds to the believability of
the characters, but it can add to suspense if used correctly. Because of that,
back-story helps the reader imagine the character in a more defined way and can
see them living inside the book and ultimately, in the readers mind. In the
case of CAPITOL CRIMES, I think accuracy within the back-story actually
helps the story move forward and gives the reader a deeper insight into each
character. I did struggle at times with how much back-story is enough or too much,
but my editor's advice regarding "if it doesn't move the story forward, it
doesn't belong" helped me limit how much depth I needed to add. I like to
think I got it right, but again, I will leave that for the reader to decide.
Q: How helpful was your own background to writing CAPITOL CRIMES?
H.L. Katz: More than my own background, I
think my relationships with some very influential people in Washington, helped
craft the book. My own background as a political observer for many years, drew
me to the project, but in truth it was my relationships with people who work in
both the Lobbying industry and Government, that were most helpful in bringing a
credible novel to fruition.
Q: Did you write CAPITOL CRIMES strictly to entertain, or did you
also want to deliver a message? Educate?
H.L. Katz: I wrote CAPITOL CRIMES first and
foremost to entertain. That being said, I would be lying if I said I didn't
want to deliver a message. As I mentioned before, I think the American people
are asleep and while they are not paying attention, a lot of nasty things are
happening right under their noses. I believe it is time to wake up and take
back what is rightfully ours-our own government. As Thomas Jefferson said, and
I will paraphrase due to my lack of eloquence, a citizenry that fears their
government, lives under tyranny, but a government that lives in fear of its
citizens, that is freedom. I hope the reader will walk away knowing that while
they've gotten lost in "The Walking Dead" or "Mad Men" there
were some real bad people doing and still trying to do bad things to America
and her citizenry.
Q: How helpful is humor to telling your story or developing your
H.L. Katz: I think humor can be a wonderful
tool in getting to core issues and character development without the story
becoming stagnant or maybe even blasé. I think all relationships are buoyed in
some way with humor and the use of it in fiction lends a certain believability
to your characters and invites the reader into a very real give and take they
can relate to from within their own lives. Most of all, a writer needs their
readers to connect to their story and their characters. Humor offers a tangible
attraction for the reader to hold on to and when used intelligently, will leave
them wanting more.
Q: What’s next? Will you be writing more novels?
H.L. Katz: I am working on a sequel to
CAPITOL CRIMES, which I hope to finish by the end of the summer. I am also
working on another story although not in the same genre. I never thought I'd
end up writing a novel and getting it published on top of that, but now that I
have, it seems I have tripped into the start of something new. While that is
exciting, it also has to be revenue-generating for it to become a career. It is
my hope that your blog and this terrific opportunity you have given me and many
others, will go a step towards doing just that. On that note, I wanted to thank
you for your platform and how generous you are with your time. I, for one, am
very appreciative of the opportunity. Thank you so much.
Q: Tell us about H.L. Katz. What do you like to do when you’re not
H.L. Katz: Truth be told, I am a pretty
boring person. I am the father of eight children: five of my own, a son-in-law
and two daughters-in-law-and a grandfather to four. I have tried my best to
raise responsible adults who live a life infused with integrity and character.
I believe I have done that based on the actions of my offspring and the lives
they have carved out for themselves. Of that I am very proud. Other than that,
I have worked in athletics for more than three decades and have developed
cherished relationships with my players that mean more to me than money can put
a price on. When I am not writing, I like spending time with my wife who is the
love of my life and the best decision I ever made, and helping others through
acts of kindness that hopefully go unnoticed. I do like to study and do things
to enhance my knowledge of all things important and hope each day I have
improved the world we live in. I do enjoy watching and teaching
basketball on all levels, but after that, I am pretty much an empty page.
Lastly, I try and live every day hoping My Creator is proud of me-I suppose on
that, only time will tell.
About H.L. Katz
H.L. Katz has
been a keen observer of the political landscape both in America and abroad for
more than three decades. He works in the private sector and has also coached
athletics on every level. He has tried to instill in his players a love for
life and all that is good. He is a happily married father and grandfather who
currently resides on the east coast of the United States. CAPITOL CRIMES is his
first book and is currently working on his next Callie Wheeler novel.
Ripped from
today’s headlines, CAPITOL CRIMES is a gripping tale of political intrigue,
espionage and personal destruction. Callie Wheeler always seemed destined for
great things. She landed the job of her dreams straight out of Law School and
rose to prominence as the top lobbyist in Washington, D.C. Mike Ferguson is
Callie’s fiancé and a CIA operative. He is in pursuit of terrorists who
threaten to destroy America and in the process, discovers information that hits
a little too close to home. Kacey Mercer is Callie’s best friend and a reporter
at the Washington Post. She uncovers a story of political corruption that has
Callie’s fingerprints all over it. As Callie’s charmed life begins to unravel,
her enemies in Congress who have plenty of their own secrets to hide, pounce on
her misfortune. It is only after Callie discovers how deep the corruption
actually goes, that she is forced to choose between America’s demise or her
“Oh, Mike. Remember, tomorrow night we are at the Kennedy Center for
the President's birthday party.”
Callie reached across the table for her daily planner. She pulled it
towards her, opened it up and removed the raised lettered invitation.
“What time does that start?”
“Private dinner at six, program at eight, reception afterwards,”
Callie said. She closed her planner and ran her fingers across the raised black
Mike picked his head up from the Post, looked at his beautiful
wife-to-be and took a drink from his coffee mug. “Remind me again why we have
to go to this thing?”
“Umm...Because he's your boss?”
“Oh, right.”
ring from the house phone interrupted their conversation. Callie stood up from
her chair to answer it. Mike couldn't help but stare at Callie's creamy long
legs. He smiled as he admired her perfect structure and took a long sip of his
coffee without losing sight of her finely trimmed physique. Callie picked up
the phone with her right hand, shifting the invitation still in her left one.
No response from the other line.
Callie was about to hang up the phone when she dropped the
invitation on the floor. At the exact moment she bent down to pick it up, a
bullet pierced through the bay window in the front of the house. The bullet
impaled itself into the wooden support next to the sliding doors, directly
behind where Callie stood just a moment before.
“Callie! Stay down!”
“Stay down!”
Mike, his gun already drawn from the holster on the back of his
belt, rushed over to Callie and moved her behind him and against the kitchen
wall. He used his body to shield her as he crouched over and quickly rushed her
to the corner of the den away from the sight-lines of the bay window and the
sliding glass doors that lead to the deck. He looked around, still protecting
her and motioned her behind the couch. “Callie, go over there and don’t move.
I’m serious. Stay.”
Within seconds another bullet, this time coming from the back of the
house, shattered the sliding doors. It was followed by a rally of five more
shots that exploded inside the house, but missed their intended targets each
time. Mike surveyed the situation and checked on Callie’s safety once more,
while he contemplated his next move.
“Stay behind there, Callie. Don’t do anything stupid. Stay there.”
Mike, now looking to go on the offensive, remained out of the line
of fire as another round of bullets came flying through what was left of the
glass doors. Pressing his back against the wall, he caught the shooter’s
reflection in a picture frame across from what used to be the sliding doors.
Callie had insisted on hanging the picture of Mike and Akiva in the living room
instead of Mike’s study where he wanted it to be. He checked the glass
protecting the photo and caught a glimpse of the shooter, who had made his way
onto the deck, only steps away from entering the house. He stepped in front of
the shattered glass and lodged two bullets dead center in the shooters forehead
from less than ten yards away.
Not knowing if there were any more snipers around, Mike turned over
the kitchen table and took cover behind it. From a distance, the sound of
police sirens rang out and he knew that within moments they would be at his
front door.
“What the hell?” Law enforcement was already in transit. That didn't
make sense. He turned around and saw Callie curled up behind the couch, the
kitchen phone still in her hand.
Mike looked out at the shattered bay window and saw the police
approaching the house with their guns drawn. He told Callie to stay where she
was before greeting the officers at the door.
address @coachk09
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