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Nataša Nuit Pantović, Author, Trainer, Yogi & Spiritual Researcher TREE OF LIFE |
Nataša Nuit Pantović brings us her ninth book, TREE OF LIFE, as
part of the Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training series. She considers the
Alchemy of Love Mindfulness a spiritual rather than a religious endeavor. TREE OF LIFE is poetry— spiritual not religious—that is an “inspirational and
motivational encounter with various spiritual journeys into Love,
Consciousness, Bliss.”
Nataša Nuit Pantović has
traveled widely and currently lives in Malta with her two children. At the
moment she is working on her next book, “Conscious Creativity.”
Q: You’ve just
published the ninth book of your Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training series.
What is love mindfulness and what drove you to write this series?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: A team of spiritual researchers worked
hard for 5 years to give birth to a serial: Alchemy of Love Mindfulness
Training, non-fiction and fiction books that explore the alchemy of soul, and
our inner quest to reach our highest potential. The serial includes 2 books on
Mindful Eating (exploration of a vegetarian and vegan life-style), 2 courses on
Mindful Living (Mindful Being and Conscious Parenting), 12 modules of a
personal development journey that inspire creative thinking with hundreds of
transformation tools, 2 spiritual poetry books (Art of 4 Elements and Tree of
Life) and a Spiritual Fiction Novel set in Macau at the Time of Enlightenment
(17th century) called: Ama Alchemy of Love.
your newest book. On what aspect of love mindfulness does it focus?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: TREE OF LIFE is a spiritual poetry book
that explores our relationship to Divine. Through the meditation poetry,
mindfulness poems, alchemy meditations, we enter a yin & yang journey into
Tao. Spiritual not Religious the book is inspirational and motivational
encounter with various spiritual journeys into Love, Consciousness, Bliss.
Q: Why did you select
poetry as the best way to communicate TREE OF LIFE?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: Tree of Life in various religious
interpretations, within myths, and as a mystical concept represents the
inter-connectedness of all life on our beautiful planet. The Tree of Life is
considered to be the symbol of 'Creator'. Mayan believed that Heaven, Earth,
and Underworld are connected by the ‘world tree’. The world tree flows out into four directions. I am deeply
fascinated by the four directions, the four manifestation of life on Earth and
the symbolism that connects Eastern and Western mythology and philosophy. The cross with branches passing through
each of the layers of existence - underworld, earth, and the sky. The poetry
expression is the easiest way to express this most amazing journey.
Q: You’ve traveled
widely and researched multiple approaches to “love mindfulness.” Does one
approach appeal to you more than another?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: The Eastern and Western approaches to
God and spirituality developed in different directions. The western thrived
exploring science, music, sports while the eastern focused on the
interconnectedness of all, with a greater emphasis on myths, occult, micro-macro
relationships. There are Yin and Yang approaches to life. Within my novel A-MA: ALCHEMY OF LOVE,
I explore these in greater details. A-MA is set in 17th century
China, at the time of first real contact of Eastern and Western civilizations,
first printing books, first Universities that translated ancient works, first
enlightened minds that saw that the merge of the two could lead to an amazing
wisdom sharing.
Q: Could you list 3-5 tips on how readers
can practice and/or achieve love mindfulness. What’s most important in their
Nataša Nuit Pantović: We all have a wish to live our highest
potential and with a conscious effort we can learn to listen to our Souls. Mindfulness
is a Spiritual Transformation Tool that works with Mind Training and it just cannot
be compared with any 'fast food' recipe, or quick 'out of the box' enjoyment
technique. Learn from the elements, from water the vastness of Blue, “Allowing oneself to Be in Silence, to Be
with Nature, explore various Spiritual Exercises,…, respecting each unique
Being, our Mother Earth and our amazing Matrix of Causes and Effects.” Nuit
(Mindful Being quote). We waste tremendous time and energy with all the
technology gadgets. I have never had a TV or a mobile phone, and I use my
Internet only to work, does this fact resonate with you? Can you imagine the
amount of creative time you would gain if you would learn how to “control” your
technology addictions and focus on creativity, love, relationships?
Q: You have included CONSCIOUS PARENTING
in your series. Can children be taught to engage love mindfulness? Vice versa,
can adults embrace it without childhood exposure? Or do we need to be reared to
be mindful of love?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: After helping Father George (a most
inspiring Priest who works in Africa) build a school in a remote area of
Ethiopia, I decided to enter the most amazing world of parenthood adopting two
angels from Ethiopia as a single mum. My 25 years of yoga and meditation, and
my spiritual exploration journey through Theosophy, Zen, Tantra, Antroposophy,
Yoga, my yogic vegetarian life-style where I danced barefoot in the rain,
meditated for hours in search of God, read 1,000s of spiritual books still
could not prepare me for the joys and troubles of parenting. My children Ema
and Andrej are my biggest Conscious Parenting teachers. They took me on to this
mindfulness journey of parenting taking me out of my comfort zones. It is us
parents that need to engage and train Mindfulness and Love, it is us parents
that need to go back to inspiration, creativity and contact with Soul, Nature,
'Soul stands at the
center of the children growth and development, as an Essence, an Observer,
consciousness coming forth to experience the magic of Life. Be tentative to the
Soul’s whispers. A child has a deep longing to discover that the world is based
on truth. Respect that longing. In our attempt to help children grow into
inspired adults, we wish them to carry the youthfulness of their souls, and the
wonders of childhood into their old age.' Nuit, Conscious Parenting
Q: You have been to
many countries (50+) and exposed to many people and cultures. Do you see
differences between the poor in developing countries versus the more affluent
in Western developed countries regarding love mindfulness?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: My soul is the one of a nomad and I
learn tremendously every time when in a different country. Travelling through
Christian, Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu countries often as a single woman or
without a lot of money helped me see that we are all One in our search for God,
Oneness, Inspiration, Beauty, that we just call God different names. Once you hugged
a 3,000 year-old Kaori tree, been chased by an elephant on your way through
Savana, shared tea with Bedouins in Sahara, faced a lion walking with a Maori
guide, prayed with Tibetan Buddhists, Hindu Priests, Portuguese Alchemists,
within Orthodox Christian caves, you know that this amazing mix of cultures
help us enter the space of New Consciousness.
Q: Do you consider
love mindfulness a religion? Why or why not?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: The Alchemy of Love Mindfulness
Training is Spiritual not Religious endeavor: we do not represent any Religion
or a Sect. There is NO attempt to sell the offering as an offering of a ‘Guru’.
The spiritual exercises from various Gurus and Philosophers are used within our
mindfulness courses. We also do not want to sell ‘Instant Happiness’. No ‘Get
Rich in a Day’ messages, with a firm belief that if we do learn how to listen
to our Soul we will be able to live our Highest Potential.
All the major religions in the past, together with New Age
philosophies, have used practices such as: mindfulness, meditation, prayer,
music, dance, singing, writing, art, sports etc. These practices improve health but also help in living a
better life. Exploring the field of Mindfulness we found our mission. It is to
help the explorers grow as conscious human beings. Alchemy had the same goal.
We do not attempt to answer questions but to inspire the search and research
within this area.
Q: What’s next? Will
you continue to write love mindfulness training articles?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: At the moment I am preparing a new book
called: “Conscious Creativity”. Working as Head of Business Development of a UK
IT company for 10 years left me with some inspiring personal development tools that
I wish to explore further within a course that has a “Creativity” focus,
creativity as a divine inspiration.
Q: Tell us about Nataša
Nuit Pantović. What do you like to do when
you’re not writing?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: Nature,
friends, family, books and learning something new. I learned to roller-blade when
I was 25, started my Chinese and piano lessons when I was 40, went into deeper
explorations of Astrology when 30. The world is full of exciting explorations
and I am its very devoted explorer.
About Nataša Nuit Pantović:
Nataša Pantović Nuit is author, trainer, yogi and spiritual wesearcher who lives and works in Malta. She is the author of 9
Mindfulness Books called Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training.
has traveled through more than 50 countries and lived in 5: UK, New Zealand,
Holland, Serbia and Malta. She Worked as Head of Business Development, Trainer and
Organizer of various Body Mind Spirit Festivals. In Malta, she now writes and
lectures about a variety of spiritual and self-development topics.
Always fascinated with energies of: Love, Divine, Power of Mind, Creativity, Tao, Living one's Highest Potential, Nuit writes self-development courses, poetry, novels exploring topics of inner-development, esoteric or occult teachings, and New Consciousness. The main theme of her Mindfulness Books is our alchemy transformation, the alchemy of soul, our everlasting quest to find the gold within, discovering the stone that transforms metals into gold.
Always fascinated with energies of: Love, Divine, Power of Mind, Creativity, Tao, Living one's Highest Potential, Nuit writes self-development courses, poetry, novels exploring topics of inner-development, esoteric or occult teachings, and New Consciousness. The main theme of her Mindfulness Books is our alchemy transformation, the alchemy of soul, our everlasting quest to find the gold within, discovering the stone that transforms metals into gold.
holds a BSc Economics, Belgrade.
of Life Spiritual Poetry Book Spiritual Poetry. The beauty and wisdom of
alchemy is in transforming a soul into its highest potential. Within the Nordic
cultural myths we find Yggdrasil, the tree that provides a magical spring-water
of knowledge. In Chinese mythology a Taoist story tells us of a peach magical
tree that produces a peach every three thousand years. The one who eats the
fruit becomes immortal. At the base of the Tree of Life is a dragon, and at the
top is a phoenix. Climbing the Tree of Life, enjoy my poetic spiritual
exploration into alchemy, meditation, Tao, Tantra, magic and mysticism and feel
free to create your own journey.
Alchemy of Love Novel Spiritual Historical Novel. A-Ma is a historical
spiritual novel set in the 17th century Macao that follows lives and spiritual
insights of settlers of this little
peninsula in the middle of China. A-Ma main
protagonist is Ama, an African alchemist, Goddess, a guru, a lover, a
story-teller that inspires and gathers artists, preachers, priests,
philosophers from all around the world within the magic settings of her coffee
house. She believes in a Spiritual truth that we all can live our highest
potential, discovering the gold within. Traveling through space and time, we
find ourselves in the midst of an amazing blend of Chinese, Portuguese and
Africans that live together on this little peninsula. This magic place that is
rapidly growing as a center of trade offers a consciousness pot for the highest
alchemical practice ever, the alchemy of humanity, creating an energy matrix
that will change the lives of generations to come.
to Amazon for A-MA ALCHEMY OF LOVE
by Artof4Elements
Twitter @alchemylovenuit
Many thanks Joyce for the opportunity to feature this interview on your blog. Thx for your inspiring questions and for creating such an interesting blog!
ReplyDeletebeautiful, inspiring! Blessings!
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